Your Grey Matters

Uncategorized Aug 20, 2018

 Did you know the grey matter between your ears might just be more important than you previously thought? For starters, here are five reasons why your 'grey' really does matter:


  1. 45 To 3

 The shortest recorded battle in history was the Anglo-Zanzibar war that lasted a mere 45 minutes. Once the British swiftly surrounded and captured the capital city Zanzibar Town, it was all over. Guess what the longest recorded battle in battle in history is? Drum roll . . . It’s thousands of years old and it’s the battle for the human mind. It doesn't take long for an enemy to capture your mind but the impact can last a lifetime. A thought can be embedded into your mind in less than 3 seconds! Is your grey matter is under siege? What is your battle plan?

  1. Command & Control

Did you know that your grey matter is the capital of your body and it is in extremely high demand? Think about it, historically, in every war, the enemy always goes after the capital city, right? Why? It’s the command and control center of everything. Whoever captures the capital, essentially wins the war. There is a battle of galactic proportions for access to your mind. Who or what is in command and control of your mind today?


  1. Mini Universe

 You are walking around with access to the most advanced piece of technology on the planet. No, it's not your smartphone . . . it's your Mind! Your brain has more than 100 Billion neurons each making approximately 10,000 connections. Having control of your emotions, thoughts, and actions while recognizing their capacity to impact every aspect of your life in positive or negative ways is important. You have, at your disposal, the opportunity to manage and shape this incredible ‘mini-universe’ that is your grey matter. Are you fully aware of the power you have at your disposal? 


  1. Not Set in Stone

 People used to think that once your brain developed by early adulthood, further change or development was impossible. Neuroscience has now caught up with biblical wisdom and has realized through research that your brain can actually change throughout your lifetime. It's called neuroplasticity. That’s good news for you because it means you don’t have to stay stuck with limiting thoughts and behaviors that are weighing you down and preventing you from being the person you were created to be. With God's help, you can do something about it and renew your mind and renew your life.


  1. Less Here and Now, Focus More on Your Destination

 God placed eternity in the grey matter of every single person on the planet. You were created to live forever, to live life with a ‘higher’ perspective about things in life as you make a difference in the world. You were created to live an abundant, fear free, life that makes a difference now and actually impacts eternity. What difference would it make to you if your thoughts, your focus and your goals in life all soared exponentially beyond the here and now?  Think about it . . . how amazing would it be to able to intentionally craft your thoughts to achieve your goals and potential in a way that impacts the infinity of eternity?


Well, guess what? Today you have the opportunity to learn how to better understand and leverage your mind so you can be the person you were created to be, and impact the world. What an awesome responsibility and opportunity you have to protect your grey matter from being ‘captured’.


“And God placed eternity in the minds and hearts of mankind . . . a divine sense of purpose which nothing under the sun but God can fill.”

Ecclesiastes 3:11

What can you do today to protect and strengthen your grey matter so that you are ready to experience a more meaningful life and make an impact beyond the here and now?


Check out these resources and start defending your most valuable asset TODAY:

 Click Here


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