The Most Sacred of Spaces - Part 2

Uncategorized May 30, 2018

There are Sacred Spaces and then . . . there is the desecration of these Sacred Spaces. 

The unimaginable, the unfathomable and the unconscionable has happened time and time again within many a sacred space. 

Since 1999 there have been 22 church shootings in the United States. 91 worshippers have been killed in what was supposed to have been a sacred space. In 2017,  26 people in Sutherland, Texas were massacred and 20 more injured while worshipping at church. Back in 2015 there was a race motivated slaughter of 9 church members in Charleston, South Carolina.

By most societal norms, it's fair to say that these horrific incidents, along with the other 20 church shootings, amounted to the ultimate desecration of sacred spaces.These places once worthy of respect and considered safe havens were, in a moment, transformed into disrespected, degraded and tainted spaces. At those horrendous moments in time, the sacred became desecrated. People everywhere were shocked, repulsed and horrified - understandably so!

The question has been asked over and over again - Why? Why would anyone (in their right mind) desecrate a sacred space? And that is the $6,000,000 question!!! Why would they? Actually, why would YOU for that matter? I can just imagine you thinking that you would never dream of desecrating any sacred space, let alone taking anyone’s life ... But is that really true?

Before I answer that, I just want to say that you are truly an amazing human being . . . You have so much untapped potential within you. However, it is precisely because you have so much untapped and God given potential that it's time for me to be honest with you. There are sacred moments in time when you finally have to stop and “smell the proverbial coffee”, “get a reality check” or have a “come to Jesus moment”. That time is now . . .

The Most Sacred of Spaces

There is another sacred space and it’s arguably the most sacred space of all. What happens within this sacred space holds the answer to the question "Why". Your MIND is that other sacred space! Just like a physical location or a moment in time, your MIND is a sacred place of transformation, awe inspiring and life changing thoughts that lead to either action or inaction with positive or negative impact.

However, your mind has the capacity to go from positive transformation to stagnation, inspiration to intimidation, capability to inability and sadly, from beauty to degeneracy with no regard for human life. The fact of the matter is WHATEVER we do or become in life, begins and ends with what or who is in control of our minds!

This most sacred of sacred spaces can, over time, be desecrated by life experiences, life choices, habits and fears. Whatever we've allowed into our minds, coupled with a failure to protect and develop our minds, has led to an unprecedented and sacrilegious desecration of the MIND!

Unlike when a physical sacred space is desecrated, society at large does not feel the same horror at the desecration and degeneration of the human mind, the most sacred space of all!  Think about it ... Why are we not equally outraged when we or someone else is abusing, disrespecting and laying waste to our most sacred space?

Today it’s time to look at yourself in the mirror and ask, “Am I desecrating my own sacred space - my mind?” Why? The honest answer is probably a “yes”! Chances are you will likely never abuse or desecrate any physical sacred space, but guess what . . . When you maintain the status quo in your life and essentially stagnate from one year to the next, that's a serious form of sacred space desecration. Allowing anyone and anything to have uncensored access to your mind is another form of sacred space desecration. Being unwilling, too scared or just plain lazy to invest in resources and experiences that will grow and transform your mind and life actually amounts to debasing, mismanaging and the desecration of your MIND - BIG TIME and that should concern us all!

Left unchecked, your mind becomes fertile ground for a litany of desecration:

  • unfulfilled dreams
  • lost potential
  • degraded, superficial existence
  • low self-esteem
  • wasted years and legacies and
  • lost lives

This is NOT OK! You have a mission to fulfill . . . Why are you so content to keep desecrating your most sacred space? Just exactly what are you going to do about it? This is your sacred moment in time to choose and choose wisely.

Well, let me tell you there's some fabulous news ... if your mind even remotely reflects a desecrated sacred space . . . perhaps with unfulfilled dreams, fears, insecurities, open access, potential limiting thinking or more, there IS something you can do about it right now!

1. Join Minds For Eternity before the price goes up Monday, June 4- don't miss out. Are you're ready to protect, repair and respect your most sacred space and experience the Ultimate, Step by Step Mind Makeover? Then do yourself and society a favor and join us and see how your mind can become the sacred space where authentic, courageous and extraordinary thoughts and behavior become a transformative way of life that impacts eternity!

To join NOW:

Click Here

 2. Work With Me Privately

If you'd like to work with me directly to Makeover your most sacred of sacred space, just email: [email protected] with the subject line "Private". Tell me a little about what's been going on in your sacred space and what you'd like to work on together and I'll get you all the details.








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