Sacred Spaces Part 1

Uncategorized Apr 13, 2018

They are everywhere. They are often beautiful. They are set apart from the ordinary and mundane things in life. They are awe-inspiring.

In countries, cities, towns and villages around the world people gather in sacred spaces to connect with God, to meditate and to ‘come apart’ from the hustle and bustle of life. These sacred spaces provide a sense of peace, strength and empowerment that the mind longs for, the body craves and a place where dreams and desires are given a new lease of life.

Perhaps you have had the pleasure of visiting one or more of the worlds great sacred spaces such as the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, Chapel of the Holy Cross, Sedona, Arizona, The Church of Hallgrimur, Reykjavik, Iceland, Saint Paul's Cathedral, London, England, Crater Lake, Oregon, Mount Sinai, Egypt. If not, maybe they are on your travel bucket list.

At a recent speaking engagement to a group of about 100 women, while not at a place that would necessarily make the list for the worlds most sacred spaces, an amazing thing happened. It quickly became apparent that sacred spaces were not just limited to buildings and places. Sacred spaces also include moments in time.

Moments in Time

These are planned and unplanned windows of time. They too are sacred spaces that you have at your disposal. However, these Moments in Time are just that – moments. Unlike buildings and places, they do not last forever and have to be seized right then and there in order to capitalize on the sacred transformational healing they can provide.

During my speaking engagement, an interactive exercise unexpectedly turned into such a sacred space – a Moment in Time. As everyone listened to the feedback that was being shared, it quickly became evident that something special was happening in the room. One by one, a similar theme emerged that stunned some, made others uncomfortable but touch everyone present in a truly profound way.

It was indeed a moment in time when a sacred space was created for women with incredible stories of pain, tragedy and courage to feel safe and supported enough to articulate their journey for the first time. It was a moment when a sacred space was created to empower the weary, the self-conscious and the rejected.

A speaking engagement became an amazing, life transforming opportunity that provided a sense of peace, strength and empowerment for those whose minds longed for and whose bodies craved for a new lease of life.

As you go about your daily life it is important to be aware of all the sacred spaces that may be around you in the form of unasuming Moments in Time. Be willing to embrace the uncomfortable, the unfamiliar and even the unknown seizing the moment and gifting it to someone in need of that sacred space.

Believe in the power of a sacred moment in time which can set people free and relieve them from having to carry their all too heavy and often invisible burdens alone.

These unique sacred spaces are opportunities available for the taking by anyone, anytime and anywhere. Never underestimate a moment in time when you can be the conduit through which a powerful sense of peace, strength and empowerment is extended within your sphere of influence at any given time.

Just like the Creator of heaven and earth, the all time master Creator of sacred spaces, who always seized on moments in time - from the cradle to the cross to the empty tomb, we all have the ability to create sacred spaces that live, breath and transform the lives of those around us.

What sacred spaces are you creating in your personal, professional and spiritual spheres of influence at this sacred moment in time?


"If you persist in staying silent at a time like this, liberation and rescue will arrive from someplace else . . .  [since you did not help when you had the chance]. Who knows, maybe you have attained royalty for such a time as this [and for this very purpose]?"

Esther 4:14

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